We received the spirals and shared them the class. It was interesting to watch the kids guessing the day/night side of the spirals.
Our art is on the way. The characters are traveling using different kinds of transportation.
Our spirals (project #3) should arrive at the same time with the project #4 (different kinds of transportation). The kids wrote letters in English. There was a group of students who were eager to write in Finnish Language. They used Google Translator. We are not sure about the accuracy of our translation, but I am proud of the kids who came up with this idea.
Dance Agapieva-Vasileska
Grade 4
Ryerson PS
Dear You art project, Look around
The 4th graders from Ryerson PS in Ontario, Canada are making and sharing art with the 4th graders from Viertolan Koulu in Vantaa, Finland.